Free Tutorial - An Introduction to Fine Wiring

Over the past few months my team and I have been on a mission to add as much positivity and value as possible to our Flower Class Members, our students, and our clients. We’ve launched our £1K Floral Giveaway, our free Floral Design Mini Course, and a series of helpful tutorials on our new YouTube channel - on Hellebores, and Floral Clutches too!

Today, I’m excited to be sharing that over the next few weeks we’ll be adding plenty of new, exclusive content to our Wiring Guide Collection!

We launched our Wiring Guide Collection - a duo of e-books containing the Classical Wiring Guide, and the Contemporary Wiring Guide - last September, and over the coming weeks I’m delighted to share that we’ll be adding a series of four new video tutorials to the Wiring Guide Collection to showcase some of the finest wiring techniques in high definition detail. As of today, the first tutorial - An Introduction to Fine Wiring has been added to the Wiring Guide Collection, and if you’ve already purchased the Collection, the new tutorial will be available for free, today, for you to enjoy - all you have to do is sign in to, and the tutorial will be right there waiting.

All four tutorials will also be made available to our Flower Class members too - you’ll find them in the Bonus Tutorials section of your Library.


In the coming days, we’ll also be adding the following video tutorials to the Wiring Guide Collection, for all our students to enjoy:

An Introduction to Wired Units

How to Wire Roses, Orchids, Gerbera & Carnations

How to Wire Sweet Peas, Anemones & Ranunculus

All of these tutorials will be available, in your Library, for no extra cost if you have purchased the Wiring Guide Collection.

If you haven’t purchased the Wiring Guide Collection, you can do so right here:

As an additional bonus to our wider community, we’re excited to share that the first in this series of bonus tutorials will be available to watch today on your YouTube channel. In this tutorial we explore the fundamental wiring techniques of stitching, and both single and double leg mounts.

To check out the tutorial for in full for free on our YouTube channel, just scroll on down.




I hope you enjoyed this floral design tutorial - be sure to try it out yourself, and of course let me know how you get on!

Happy Thursday!


PS - If your interest has been piqued in any of our floral education offerings then you might want to check out my Free Floral Design Mini Course! This is a three part journey exploring three different elements of floral design and a wonderful way to try our some of our offerings. Join for FREE HERE

YouTubeJoseph Massie