Joseph Massie

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How to Condition Hellebores

Hellebores are one of the most charismatic of Spring flowers, available in a huge array of colours, forms and patterns - but they can be such difficult flowers to keep alive!

In my prior experience, if a Hellebore could wilt twice, it absolutely would, and believe me, I’d tried everything to keep them alive - stripping them of their leaves, boiling the ends of the stems - nothing seemed to work to keep their stems strong and their petals hydrated … until I developed this handy little conditioning technique that is.

If you’ve also been frustrated with how to keep Hellebores alive, check out my video tutorial below. Since implementing this technique I’ve been able to harvest stems straight from my garden and keep them fresh in a vase for over ten days - ten days - when previously I’d struggled to keep them alive for ten hours! I’ve tested this technique over the past few months on a variety of different Hellebores, both purchased from a wholesaler, and fresh out of the garden, and have found solid success with all varieties.

I promise this technique really is a game changer, and I can’t wait to share it with you!

To check out the video, just scroll down.

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I hope you enjoyed this new Hellebore processing technique - be sure to try it out yourself, and of course let me know how you get on!

Happy Thursday!

PS - If your interest has been piqued in any of our floral education offerings then you might want to check out my Free Floral Design Mini Course! This is a three part journey exploring three different elements of floral design and a wonderful way to try our some of our offerings. Join for FREE HERE