Are You Ready To Achieve Your Floral Design Goals?

I started my flower journey working a Saturday job at a local flower stall, aged just fourteen, to being an award winning floral designer and educator with a world wide online community of flower lovers who I get to connect with every single day.  The way in which my floral design journey has unfolded and continues to do so, frankly has far exceeded my dreams and what I thought was possible when I first started out, and now my passion is to share my knowledge, and empower anyone who wants to take their first steps into the world of flowers, including you!  

Whether you dream of your own profitable and sustainable floral design business or you simply love flowers and wish to enjoy creating with them, sometimes it can be so helpful to have some experienced, hard won advice and support from those who have been there themselves. I believe that everyone learns differently, and it’s very much the reason I teach and share my knowledge in several different formats from online courses, to e-books and more. We’ve had a lot of questions recently from students debating which format is best for them, so today I wanted to dive in a little into each of our offerings, and who I think they’re best for.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

First up, if you are new to the world of floral design and want to check out some freebies to see what it’s all about, then you might want to check out my free Floral Design Mini Course and begin learning for free today!  In this three-part course we take a look at three different elements of floral design; The Floral Clutch Design Tutorial, The Instagram Tutorial and The Sustainable Techniques Tutorial.  Why do I have these three different elements on my mini course? – Well, I have learnt that to be successful in this industry, you need to know much more than how to arrange some flowers in a vase and my students know that too.  Our community is filled with designers who aren’t just content watching some florals be randomly thrown together without care, thought and sensitivity - they seek and deserve more knowledge than that and if you do too then you can begin your journey with us for free today.

Is your Floral Design Goal to grow a successful business? – Well you are in the right place!

That was my goal too and now I’m so excited to help you on your journey.  Let me introduce you to Flower Class.  This is my revolutionary online floral membership designed to cultivate both your business and creativity.  It’s a place where you can receive personal ongoing professional support from myself and my team.  A place where you can join me for live business and design theory sessions every single month.  A place where you can ask questions specific to your own business or needs.  A place for business mentorship, support and community, and all of this is before we’ve even got to the practical floral design elements.  If your goal is a profitable and sustainable floral design based business then this is my number one offering that allows me to share my own industry knowledge and personal tips with you, wherever you are in the world.  To learn more click on the button below.

Joseph Tip – You can get 50% off your first month of Flower Class included in the free Floral Design Mini Course.  

Is your Floral Design Goal to learn new skills and create with flowers? – Then I’d love to show you around my online courses!

I know what it’s like to want to create something beautiful but just feel so overwhelmed about where to start.  I hear from students all the time that they’ve admired a finished design that’s stopped them in their tracks and wondered, just how do I make that, or worse still, doubted that they ever could.  If that sounds like you, then let me break it down for you and show you step by step how to create those designs that you love.  My online Floral Design Courses are perfect to build up your repertoire of skills and commercial offerings one design at a time and in your own time at your own pace.  Choose a project that you love and with my video tutorial, flowers and sundries lists, printable step by step guide and the opportunity to submit your questions to ask me anything you might get stuck on, I’ll guide you through the process of how to create it.  Sounds good? – You can check out the full collection HERE.

Joseph Tip – If you love the idea of refreshing your skills and updating your design repertoire with the online courses then I’ve bundled some of my favourites together in The Show Stoppers Collection which will save you over 30% versus getting them individually.

Is your Floral Design Goal to understand more fully the theory or ‘why?’ behind how to create a design?

One of my absolute favourite things about our worldwide floral community is your passion and dedication to the process of floral design and the constant seeking of knowledge and understanding.  Our tribe is thoughtful and intentional and you totally get that understanding the principles and elements of design allows you more creative freedom and empowers you to create fully on your own, with a strong foundation in place.  If your goal too is to deep dive and explore more of the fundamental aspects of floral design so as to be empowered in your own abilities, then I think you might love my eBook collections.  I created these as a super accessible and affordable way to explore a techniques or design theory topic in depth and so that you can have a resource and reference guide that you can come back to time and time again.

Joseph Tip - I have free excerpts from my Sustainable Techniques ebook collection for you to take a look at on my Resources page today.  You can register for Resources updates right HERE and check out the January How I Made It series for a sneak peek inside.

Is your Floral Design Goal to immerse yourself in a flower filled environment and receive support?

If you love people as well as flowers and feel inspired through connection, then In Person courses are for you!  I love the online platform to be able to learn wherever you are in the world and in your own time, but sometimes face to face contact and immersion can deliver an experience and support like no other.  My UK School of Floristry in Liverpool, England is ideal if you learn best from hands-on learning and applying your skills in practice.  I have courses ranging from a Taster Day to a comprehensive Six Day Career Course to suit you at every stage of your floral design journey.  If you’re interested in learning more, you can check out the school HERE.

I think one of the most wonderful things about goals is that they can evolve, grow and progress as you do.  There is always something more to learn and explore and, with support, that process can become one filled with opportunity.  I know your floral design journey will look different to mine but it is my intention to be able to support you at every stage.  AND remember if you’re not sure where to begin, you can always reach out to me with your questions at  


Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Joseph Massie