Joseph Massie

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The $1000 Floral Giveaway Returns

It’s Back!

The $1000 Floral Giveaway returns.

This is your chance to WIN $1000 to spend on floral education with us.

That's $1000 worth of online courses, e-books and Flower Class membership up for grabs for one lucky winner. 

And the really exciting part? 

In line with our teaching philosophy of empowering & inspiring, the winner gets to choose whatever combination of courses, e-Books and membership they want!

To enter the competition, couldn’t be simpler, head on over to our $1000 Floral Giveaway Page and submit your entry by answering the question: How Many Classes Are Available Inside My Online Flower Class Membership?

TIP: You’ll discover more details about what’s included inside Flower Class on our Giveaway page.

This is the competition's third year and it's steadfastly become one of my annual highlights. 

I love this giveaway because I am continually inspired by the possibility of what could be!  What can be enjoyed, explored and achieved by the winner really lights me up.  Floral education is my passion because I love seeing what can happen when people are inspired to pursue something that they love and so this giveaway in particular excites me with all of its possibilities. 

I wonder what you would choose to do with $1000 of floral education?

We're open for entries from today July 22nd 2022 until July 31st 2022.  Head on over to our Giveaway Page now for a chance to win!

You have nothing to lose, enter the competition HERE.

In line with our teaching philosophy of inspiration and empowerment, I wanted to give the winner of this giveaway the freedom and flexibility to choose their prize and so explore and learn in a way that suits them!  The $1000 prize can be spent on any of my online floral education offerings so let's take a look at some of the options.

Flower Class Membership

Discover a revolutionary online floral membership, packed full, with hands-on practical tutorials, detailed business seminars, and floral design theory sessions, with all new and inspiring content each month, every month.  If you are seeking continuous learning, on-going professional support and a like minded community to connect with, Flower Class is for you.

On-line Courses

If you are a budding floral designer at the start of your career, if you want to learn at your own pace, in your own time, if you are thinking about a creative change in your career, or are a floral designer who needs to be refreshed and empowered, our online floral design courses are for you.


Support Your Creativity With Solid Design Theory And Techniques.  Our e-Books offer an affordable and accessible way to explore some of the most fundamental aspects of floral design.  They are perfect if you want to explore a techniques or design theory topic in depth.  Have a resource and reference guide that you can come back to time and time again.  Or learn at your own pace and enjoy learning through reading and step by step images.

The competition closes on July 31st and I will be announcing the winner on my socials on August 1st. I wish you the absolute best of luck!

Until next time.

- Joseph

PS For full terms and conditions of The $1000 Floral Giveaway, head to our competition entry page Here